Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 3 ~ An Area(s) I'd like to Improve In - There's at Least 51

30 Day Blog Challenge ~ Day 3 ~ Discuss one "observation" area that you would like to improve on for your teacher evaluation

I want to work on them all, because I need to work on them all.  There's not one strategy that I can't become better at.

When I'm not sure of what action to take, I tend to gather more information. According to Marzano research, students should clearly understand the purpose of what they are learning and why they are learning it.

I remember the feeling being that students should simply understand what they were learning.

Now it's the purpose for it (so they can relearn how to use their brains to think and solve problems) and why (so they can succeed and achieve their most important dreams.....and NOT to get a good job and settle for a wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed, lather-rinse-repeat kind of life)

And if I'm ever going to help them become these powerfully positive thinkers who can leap tall problems in school and in life in a single bound, don't they have to first clearly know what they're learning and why?

So there, problem solved. I will focus on Element 8 ~ Previewing New Content, to make sure each and every one of my students knows the purpose of what they're learning and why.

Oh yeah, for my observation I guess too........... How about if I focus on being an effective teacher instead of worrying about being seen as one.

It's like I challenge my students; Don't worry about getting an A. Focus on learning how to think, and I guarantee you, the A's will come. 

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