Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Robin Williams -Technology & Impersonation of a Smart Kid

Teach Thought 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 13 - Name the top edtech tools I use on a consistent basis 

 PowerPoints ~ For lessons involving critical content, I go to PowerPoint for its attention-grabbing sights and sounds.

 iMovie - It's still in it's infancy as I'm still learning the commands (like, "The movie was here a minute ago. Now it's totally gone! I command you to reveal yourself or the laptop gets it!!) 

 Exel (and now Macintosh Numbers) spreadsheets - I'm a huge data cruncher, because the assessment data will tell me WHAT each student needs to be taught. 

 Class Dojo - By tracking customized student behaviors, I learn HOW to teach each student. What seems to motivate him the most? When is she most productive? How long can I keep these little monsters entertained with these little monsters?

As always, this blog is dedicated to the man who made me want to be a teacher.