Wednesday, June 29, 2016

KICKSTARTING OUR HEARTS ~ Thought 7 on Ending Terrorism ~ Love Them All

KICKSTARTING OUR HEARTS ~ Thought 7 on Ending Terrorism ~ Love Them All

“Killing them all” throughout history has worked in the short-term for one side but not long term for either, hence Orlando. 

What if we tried killing all the desire to kill, hurt and hate out of the minds of our children? What if we brought in the weapons of some of the greatest thinkers in the world into the minds of our students and into their world of education? 

How do you account for a 2nd-grader starting the year working at the 1st-grade level in math and finishing at the 8th, or a class with all but 3 starting below grade level and all finishing above?

I know it wasn’t because of me because I'm not smart enough to pull that off. I may have the  passion but I know I didn’t have the knowledge to do this at the beginning of the year.

But I was smart enough to listen to those who were smarter: "I never teach my pupils, I only provide the conditions in which they can learn." ~ Albert Einstein

So I brought in Pythagoras, the world's first pure mathematician who learned how to think from Thales who taught Socrates how to think who taught Plato how to think who taught Aristotle how to think who taught Alexander the Great how to think.

Somewhere in there is a teacher who can help the children of today how to think, and how to Think Big! 

All of these people were philosophers, lovers of wisdom. If we're going to love all of our children into higher levels of thinking and creating maybe we need to become lovers of wisdom  ourselves and use it more than we do now. 

Love them all. That's what we teachers do best. Love them all and teach them all. Not how to hate, but how to think.

#OrlandoStrong #ViveLeFrance #Remember911 #StoppingTerrorism #TheSchoolofAthensMindAdventures @SchoolofAthensMindAdventures School of Athens #HigherLevelThinking #DreamBigDoBigBeBig #MrStuart #FindtheHeroinYou #BetterEducation #OCPS #CypressParkElementary #SandLakeElementary  #OrloVistaElementary #WashingtonShoresElementary #GilmourAcademy #Marzano #CommonCore

#Pythagoras #Thales #Socrates #Plato #Aristotle #AlexanderTheGreat

#Mötley Crüe - #KickStartMyHeart

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