Saturday, July 2, 2016

KickStarting Our Hearts ~ Thought #13 on Ending Terrorism ~ Be Tough Enough to Never Give Up

KickStarting Our Hearts ~ Thought #13 on Ending Terrorism ~ Be Tough Enough to Never Give Up

The purpose of being a “tough guy” is not so others say, “Ooh. Look at that tough guy”. That only serves the ego and the ego is only about “me”. It’s not about “we” and what “we” can do if “we” are tough enough to put up with the pain it takes to finish the job that needs to be done.

If Gandhi could put up with the pain of being beaten down physically for standing up for his country’s rights mentally then I could put up with mentally overcoming the pain of teaching with broken bones the last 30 days of school. 

If he could use the pain of extreme discrimination and being beaten up for, among other things, not giving up his seat to a European passenger on a train to develop his concept and teaching of satyagraha (“truth and firmness”) 

Then “we” can use the pain of terrorism and child abuse to learn from history what works and what doesn’t to develop our own concept of what will work in the present and future.

It’s meeting each other where we are and learning how to work together to take us to where we could be. 

And not giving up on ourselves or each other until we finish the job and get the hell out of our cities and homes. 

#PrayforTurkey #OrlandoStrong #ViveLeFrance #Remember911 #StoppingTerrorism #TheSchoolofAthensMindAdventures @SchoolofAthensMindAdventures School of Athens #HigherLevelThinking #DreamBigDoBigBeBig #MrStuart #FindtheHeroinYou #BetterEducation #OCPS #CypressParkElementary #SandLakeElementary  #OrloVistaElementary #WashingtonShoresElementary #GilmourAcademy #Marzano #CommonCore

#teaching #terrorism #childabuse #Gandhi #satyagraha

#Mötley Crüe - #KickStartMyHeart

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