Saturday, December 12, 2015

The School of Athens News ~ Earn Your A by Helping Others Earn Theirs

The School of Athens News


The International School of Intelligent Students (the MORE POWERFUL ISIS)


In a world of so much negativity
We want to share so much POSITIVITY!

Building Eiffel Towers of Courage, Confidence, and Capability in our Students.

~ Earn Your A by Helping Others Earn Theirs

This was the scene at the beginning of yesterday.

Okay, here we go. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but the road FROM hell and TO heaven is paved with INTELLIGENT & COMMITTED intentions........Let's see if my intentions this week have been intelligent & committed enough to pave the way for all students to get all A's on all 3 of their tests today.

Almost. We almost did it.

While others (students still choosing to give average effort and be average students) did the average traditional work of;  read story, answer questions, do workbook pages, do traditional centers, etc.)

The School of Athens members were Marzano deep-dived into becoming Einstein Panther Cubs, exploring the who, where, when, what, why, and how (the Doctors of Reading ~ a.k.a Doctor Who)

And then build centers intending to help all others achieve.

And we did it, almost.

On the easiest test, spelling (memorization)...... 11 A's, 1 B+, 1 F

Bit harder, vocabulary (interpretation).......13 A's

Hardest, comprehension (compare and contrast)........13 A's

 1. All A's is the first step to entrance into this school within a school, because if you don't have the knowledge how are you supposed to help others gain it?

So 11 out of 13 met this challenge.

2. Self-control. 

You are not my dog and I am not your master having to control you or tell you what to do. 

You have a mind, use it. 

Most humans are emotional creatures motivated by pride, vanity, jealousy, anger, etc.

You are the most evolved species on this planet.....evolve.

3. AR reading points.

You set a goal and you get that goal.

No excuses.

Find solutions.

You do this now and you'll do it in life.

The most important thing in your life is you.

Throw your entire self at it.

Go Big!

Become Big!

Help others do the same!

This has been a School of Athens Production. Thank you for reading.

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