Sunday, December 27, 2015
Students ~ Stop Listening to Us Adults ~ Listen to Your Spirit and Show Us How to Learn Again and How to Live Again ~
The School of Athens and ISIS (International School of Intelligent Students present:
You students need to stop listening to us adults telling you that you have to get it now and have to get it as fast as possible for the test this week and the test at the end of the year.
Stop listening to us giving you the excuse that we have so much to cover that we don't have the time to give you as many chances as you need to get it.
Einstein was told this and told he was stupid and slow because he didn't get it right away.
Thank him that he didn't listen to us adults and listened to his own childlike spirit and mind, and changed our limited understanding of the world.
And if he stopped listening to the adults and went home and studied his books until he got it, you can too.
But stop expecting us to change.
And stop listening to us.
We are adults. We are our habits. And we don't change.
But you know that Aristotle said we are our habits (Είμαστε συνήθειές μας)
Or in French if you prefer, because the translation is much more obvious and sounds much cooler:
Nous sommes nos habitudes (new sohm noze AH-bee-tude-ah)
Which sounds like, "We are our ATTITUDES."
We adults have the attitude that we CAN'T change, that there ISN'T enough time, that some of you just AREN'T able to get it you poor things,
and that we are JUST one person, and that we poor things can only hope to reach just ONE of you in the course of a year,
instead of ALL OF YOU in AT LEAST ONE WAY because we have ALL day and ALL year to do it.
YOU have the attitude that it's FUN to change, to grow, and to PLAY with your potential every day.
You know that you were given as many chances to learn to walk and talk as you needed, and you deserve as many chances now as you need to learn whatever it is you're being asked to learn.
BUT quit expecting us limited-minded poor old adults to give it to you.
You stay rich in your spirit and start giving it to yourself.
Go home with whatever you were tried to be taught at school and use your notes and homework to play around with it, create a game out of it, do a project with it, make a song out of it, create a story or a play or a poem out of it.
Why? Because you are worth being given as many chances as it takes for you to get it, and if we adults are too stressed and full of our own excuses and self-limiting beliefs to give it to you, you give it to yourself.
You know you are worth it, and you know this is how real learning occurs.
And if you don't do this for yourself, you will become an adult, one of us, and you will become stressed out full of foolish self-limiting beliefs that you just aren't good at something or that this type of success just isn't in your destiny.
Don't become one of us.
Stay one of you, stay in your spirit, and use it become the best unlimited you that you can and deserve to become, and the world needs you to become.
Show us adults how to live again, how we can become rich again, and what we can become again.
Show us how to live in our spirit instead of our limitations.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Experiencing Christmas Everyday
In Hinduism there are two powerful gods, of creation and destruction (Brahma and Shiva).
If it's true that we humans create our own fear, then it is also true that we can destroy our own fear we have created inside of us.
And when we have destroyed our own fear, we destroy our self-imposed false limitations.
When we do this for ourselves we become able to help those around us destroy their own fear, and create their own limitless nature.
What a gift to give ourselves everyday, and give to others everyday,
And experience Christmas together, everyday smile emoticon
Monday, December 21, 2015
Meet Leonardo da Vinci ~ and Find the Hero in You!
Find out not just who he was and what he did, but HOW he became so big,
and how your students and children can too!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
The School of Athens News ~ I Hate You Mr. Stuart ~ Well I Love You Mr. X
The School of Athens News

The International School of Intelligent Students (the MORE POWERFUL ISIS)
Where in a world of so much negativity,
We want to share so much POSITIVITY!
Building Eiffel Towers of Courage, Confidence, and Capability in our Students.
~ I Hate You Mr. Stuart ~ Well I Love You Mr. X
I love this picture.
Xavier quit several times this week, mumbling how this class was not right for him.
How he was not right for this class.
How much he hated me for putting him in it.
And he heard back how much I and we loved him.
How much I and we believed in him.
How much I and we needed him.
How much love can you give someone who doesn't believe in themselves?
As much as it takes.
The School of Athens members are all raising their hands in enthusiasm because they not only know the answer, but know it so well through deep scuba-diving they can teach it to their classmates through quick snorkel-dive student-created centers, helping them explore the meanings and whys under the surface of the solutions.
Except Xavier, who has been hired as my assistant but is determined not to give up this time.
Every time he quits, he quits his position.
This time he won't quit.
This time he fights.
This time he wins.
ALL A's on ALL 3 tests.
This time we ALL win.
And Life is truly Beautiful :-)
This has been a School of Athens and ISIS (International School of Intelligent Students). Thank you for reading.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
The School of Athens News ~ Earn Your A by Helping Others Earn Theirs
The School of Athens News

The International School of Intelligent Students (the MORE POWERFUL ISIS)
In a world of so much negativity
We want to share so much POSITIVITY!
Building Eiffel Towers of Courage, Confidence, and Capability in our Students.
~ Earn Your A by Helping Others Earn Theirs
This was the scene at the beginning of yesterday.
Okay, here we go. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but the road FROM hell and TO heaven is paved with INTELLIGENT & COMMITTED intentions........Let's see if my intentions this week have been intelligent & committed enough to pave the way for all students to get all A's on all 3 of their tests today.
Almost. We almost did it.
While others (students still choosing to give average effort and be average students) did the average traditional work of; read story, answer questions, do workbook pages, do traditional centers, etc.)
The School of Athens members were Marzano deep-dived into becoming Einstein Panther Cubs, exploring the who, where, when, what, why, and how (the Doctors of Reading ~ a.k.a Doctor Who)
And then build centers intending to help all others achieve.
And we did it, almost.
On the easiest test, spelling (memorization)...... 11 A's, 1 B+, 1 F
Bit harder, vocabulary (interpretation).......13 A's
Hardest, comprehension (compare and contrast)........13 A's
1. All A's is the first step to entrance into this school within a school, because if you don't have the knowledge how are you supposed to help others gain it?
So 11 out of 13 met this challenge.
2. Self-control.
You are not my dog and I am not your master having to control you or tell you what to do.
You have a mind, use it.
Most humans are emotional creatures motivated by pride, vanity, jealousy, anger, etc.
You are the most evolved species on this planet.....evolve.
3. AR reading points.
You set a goal and you get that goal.
No excuses.
Find solutions.
You do this now and you'll do it in life.
The most important thing in your life is you.
Throw your entire self at it.
Go Big!
Become Big!
Help others do the same!
This has been a School of Athens Production. Thank you for reading.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
The School of Athens News ~ Bringing Heaven into the War with Hell
The School of Athens News
The International School of Intelligent Students (the MORE POWERFUL ISIS)
In a world of so much negativity
We want to share so much POSITIVITY!
Building Eiffel Towers of Courage, Confidence, and Capability in our Students.
~ Bringing Heaven into the War with Hell
Part 1
NEWSFLASH! Director admits to being dumber than a box of rocks.
In a surprise confession, the director of the School of Athens admitted to being so dense that he said, "I've been dumber than a box of rocks about one of my students."
This kid doesn't show up for school sometimes because he doesn't have shoes to get there. And here I am trying to teach him how to think when all he's trying to think about is how to survive."
When asked if he wasn't afraid of the public outcry for his removal after having admitted his mistake, he said emphatically and convincingly, "No! I'm afraid of not doing the job that needs to be done with each of these children. I'm afraid of feeling sorry for them when they need someone to feel strong for them.
And I don't work for public opinion. I work for people's potential."
If poverty wants to pick a fight and stop that potential, I'll fight.
But it picked a fight with the wrong kid with the right teacher.
I got him for one year. Hell better stay away the hell from him and let me have him.
If he wants to allow hell back into his heart and head after that, that's up to him.
But for one year, this year, it's up to me AND him."
Asked how he planned to possibly succeed in a seemingly impossible war against the cycle of poverty, he simply said:
"I'll do what I do best.
I'm going to love him............With anyone I can think of.........Anyone he can profit from........Anyone I can get him to open his eyes to."
"Wow! OK. Good for you. You love them all, and good luck with that", was all this reporter could say to this well-intentioned, yet possibly foolish dreamer.
"Luck has nothing to do with it", he stared back at me. "We're not trying to win this battle, we're going to win this battle, because we're bringing the bigger weapons to it."
I'm picking out the weapons of Aristotle, Dickens, Shakespeare, Sun Tzu, Socrates, Einstein, da Vinci, Musashi, Edison, and Martin Luther King.
What the hell is poverty bringing?"
*Another student, Jaylen, now has Miss Annie. I'm out of data so I can't post new pictures for a few days, but you should see the look on his face as he read her email...........You want to talk about being truly priceless!......He has all of the people mentioned above AND the beautiful heart of Miss Annie.....NOTHING has a chance against this kid now.......NOTHING!
He is becoming UNSTOPPABLE......because he knows he is LOVEABLE!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The School of Athens News ~ Every Day is a Day Worth Fighting For
The School of Athens News
The International School of Intelligent Students (the MORE POWERFUL ISIS)
In a world of so much negativity
We want to share so much positivity
Building Eiffel Towers of Courage, Confidence, and Capability in our Students.
~ Every Day is a Day Worth Fighting For
Every day is a day worth fighting for; breaking down the barriers that are preventing us from becoming the best possible versions of ourselves.
Every day Xavier wants to quit.
Every day we persist in helping him learn to believe in himself again.
Persisting over and over, using Bruce Lee's wisdom of letting our dreams, beliefs, and actions flow like water, KNOWING our persistence WILL pay off.
Persisting in our belief that THEY CAN do it and giving them UNLIMITED opportunities to prove it and to BECOME UNLIMITED.
Not telling them WHAT to think, but HOW to think.
Over and over until we succeed in wearing away their CURRENT limitations.....
Until JOY is achieved.....
Throughout the ENTIRE classroom!
*On Friday Xavier gave up and walked out of the classroom, twice. Because he chose to give up on himself, he chose to give up his position as my assistant.
On Monday he came in asking what he had to do to earn his position back. I told him he had to become strong enough not to quit on himself.
He tried. He failed. He quit.
On Tuesday he came in asking what he had to do to earn his position back. I told him he had to be become strong enough not to quit on himself.
He tried. He failed. But he didn't give up.
He tried again. He failed again. But he didn't give up, again.
He tried again. He succeeded......
And my happiness for him flowed out of the tired cells of my body into the tired cells of his.....
And we both became re-energized and overjoyed as he had EARNED his position back As my assistant.
Today he's going to come in asking what he has to do to keep his position.....
And I will ask him,
What do YOU THINK, Socrates?
And he WILL succeed!
This has been a School of Athens & International School of Intelligent Students production.
Thank you for reading :-)
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Today is Your Day
The only thing keeping you from getting what you want, is the story you keep telling yourself why you don't have what you want. ~ Tony Robbins
No more telling ourselves fairy tales as to why we don't have what we want.
No more letting our "buts" getting bigger.
No more "I would do it but"......"I would have that but........"
Today we Dream Big and BELIEVE.......
Today we Do Big and TRY.......
Today we Become Big and SUCCEED!
Monday, December 7, 2015
If You Want to Learn How to Fly ~ You Got to Jump
The School of Athens News
The International School of Intelligent Students (ISIS)
In a world of so much negativity
We want to share so much positivity
Today's post: Building Eiffel Towers of Courage, Confidence, and Capability in our Students.
If you want to soar, to succeed, to learn to fly....You got to try, you got to never quit, you got to jump!
*This has been a School of Athens ~ International School of Intelligent Students production.
Thank you for reading.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Becoming Teachers that Forge Our Students into Steel
The School of Athens News
Hug the Heaven into them
& Hammer the Hell out of Them
Not with Hell
But with Hellfire
In an effort to get the best of of its students, the School of Athens went on a quest to find out how to get the best out of itself.
Using one of the greatest minds in human history, Einstein, it asked itself the beginning question, "Was weiß ich?".......What do I know, in order to imagine a solution to its problem.
"I know that the Sun produces amazingly powerful energy in the form of light and heat. How can I produce this in the classroom?"
Waking up and taking daily trips to this star for the past few months, this School o-f At-hens, or School of Fat Hens, as Jordan (daughter of Susan Kocarek) calls it, woke up Leonardo da Vinci on the way, who said, "Sai che ora è?".....Do you know what time it is?
"Never mind that. I need to know how to produce more light and energy in the classroom."
"Just use your senses. The human brain is capable of being aware of 2,000 to 3 million bits of data per second. Cosa vedi? What do you see, about how the Sun makes light and heat," da Vinci replied.
As the two looked on, they saw the Sun smashing its Hydrogen atoms together so powerfully that their nuclei became fused together, creating entirely new molecules of Helium.
This nuclear fusion produced photons of light and heat 450 times more powerful than what had existed before.
Placing themselves in Plank scale space-time, 10 to the -45 seconds, or .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds, they observed these photons bounce around for 10,000 years until they reached the surface of the Sun and sped off to Earth in 8 minutes.
"But I don't have 10,000 years to do this. I need to do this today! How?"
"I don't know. Go ask Socrates. I'm going back to bed", yawned Leonardo, and he was gone.
"Soh-crates! Soh-crates! Wake up!"
"It's "Sah-creh-teez'", came the reply.
"Oh, sorry. Bill and Ted told me it was 'Soh-crates'."
"Just philosophize with him dude," whispered Bill and Ted, who were still up partying.
"Poia eínai i gnómi sas?", questioned Socrates, who never told his students what to think, but taught them how to think.
"What do YOU think is the greatest source of energy you have ever felt or known?" he dug deeper.
"Love, and passion......So.......Maybe, I feel my love for the world so deeply; in my cells, my molecules, my atoms....and smash them together as passionately as I can that their nuclei become fused together and unbreakable.....
.....Producing so much light and heat coming out of my body that others around me become energized 450 times more powerful than they and I were were just a few seconds ago?"
"Try it. What have you got to lose? You can't take anything with you when you die, so why not try and give everything away while you're here, all the while having more and more to give?", the great lover of wisdom said as he placed his hand on the shoulder of the School of Athens.
"That's exactly what I meant when I said 70 times 7!" Jesus shouted as he roared past on his motorcycle, with The School of Athens quickly jumping on for the 8 minute trip back to Earth.
"Ok, we'll do it!", the School shouted in the wind. "We'll love so passionately that our love becomes powerful and unbreakable, using nucleosynthesis to hug the Heaven into them.......
....and Hellfire to Hammer the Hell out of them.
And having been enlightened and armed with the lessons and weapons of Einstein, da Vinci, the Sun, Bill and Ted, Socrates, and a passionate man of fire from Nazareth........
...the School of Athens was fused with a vivid imagination of the world that could be
...and determined to do what it does best;
Love them all...
~ Any student who comes into our classrooms
~ Any student that says "Hi" to us in the hallways
~ Any student who opens his or her eyes at us
We're going to love all of these angels.......and kill all of their demons.
Powerful Video ~ Man on Fire ~
*read more at Samurai Teaching ~ Sensational Living
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